From My Kitchen

I am a die-hard foodie.

I love food and like to experiment in the kitchen.

Not only that, but I enjoy cooking more than eating.

In the outcome, I try to cook every tasty-looking recipe I get hold of.

I have a strong fascination with trying to cook every yummy dish I taste outside the home. Be it at a friend’s place, at a wedding or even a restaurant, if I enjoy a dish, I’ll try to cook it myself within the next week. As for the recipe, the Internet is my best buddy.

If you are wondering why would I spend so much energy trying to cook it myself when I can eat it anytime in the restaurant, well that’s the mindset of a food-lover, and it has to be as soon as possible to avoid forgetting the taste.

Over the years of transforming my health, losing 65+ pounds and maintaining them for 5+ years (and counting) cooking my own food has played a BIG ROLE. 

I am grateful for this life skill. 

As a weight loss coach, I teach women how to design a HEALTHY LIFE on their own terms and lose weight in a way they can comfortably maintain for the rest of their lives without giving up the foods they love. 

If you’re ready to establish a peaceful relationship with food while losing weight for the last time, apply for the Be Healthy Be You Program

Simple, delicious, hearty, north-Indian  recipes to celebrate every day of life in its truest, purest form.


Vegetarian Delights:


Non-Vegetarian Delights:


14 thoughts on “From My Kitchen

    1. Go for it Techie2mom
      I realised that people had no clue about this page so I have decided to add link to it in all my recipes, did so for the last recipe though 😀


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