Contact Me

Please write to me at :

theerailivedin (AT) gmail (DOT) com

15 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Sanika

    I gave been following your blog mainly for the wonderful recipes. I came to know about you crisis too, if you don’t mind can you share the password with me for your protected posts.

    Thanks and good luck for everything ahead !


  2. Hey My Era,
    Loved reading your blog… Just stumbled upon your Book Review Section. It would be real great of you, if you could link me to some book review programs, where you get the books for reviews.


    1. Welcome to my blog Sumit 🙂
      For the book reviews the only book review program I am part of is at Blogadda. If you are a blogger I’ll highly recommend you to sign up for it.


  3. Adhya chatta

    Hi, I have been following your blog for a long time now. You are an inspiration to many women who face tuff time in life. I would like to read password protected posts. If you don’t mind please send me the password.


  4. Dear Era
    Thanks a lot for reviewing my book “from where I see” and thumbs up for giving an excellent and honest review. I would be grateful if you can put the same review on goodreads.
    Dr. Ajay yadav


  5. hoju1959

    Hi, Era.
    I found your site because I googled “telling your life story blog.” The reason: I want to tell my life story in a blog, chronologically.
    How’d I get to this point? I wrote my memoir of overcoming OCD, ages 1-29. Then I sat down with the manuscript and said, “What do I do with this?” Write I finished my novel four years ago, I decided to try and publish “traditionally.” I queried about 100 agents and nothing came of it. So I independently published the novel, assuming I’d be getting call from Oprah to be interviewed on her show. The book, though, didn’t sell, primarily because no one could come across it/find it. There are zillions of books on Amazon. How can you possibly get noticed? I started a blog when I released my book, to help build a “tribe.” I’ve only gained 300 subscribers and I’m burned out on it. The blog trashes religion and I’m tired of being negative the whole time. I want to tell stories.
    So . . . what do I do with this memoir I’ve written? I wasn’t too keen about independently publishing and having it get ignored. The idea of spending a year to find an agent/publisher depresses me.
    Then I thought: Why not blog the memoir, chronologically? I’ve mapped it out and I have about a year’s worth of blog posts from this book, and that’s posting three or four times a week.
    So . . . do people blog their life stories? Does anybody follow them?
    Should I do it?

    – john


    1. Hi John,

      Welcome to my blog.

      As you mentioned, you’re already an experienced blogger I support your idea of starting a personal blog. Sharing chapters from your memoir sounds like a great idea and you can definitely take it from there.

      Wishing you the very best in your future endeavours!

      Happy Writing!!


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