How to conquer the fear of failure in weight loss to lose weight for the last time

Sandy* walks into a cafe to meet her friend Paula*, whom she has not seen in some time. She’s excited about the meeting and is reminiscing the memories of the time they were together the last time.

As Sandy approaches her friend, she notices something different about her. It’s not her hair or her earrings; perhaps it’s how her clothes are noticeably looser – she has lost weight!

Sandy’s stomach feels like tying itself in a knot because she has been trying and failing to lose weight for ages. And the few times she actually did succeed, the lost weight returned with a vengeance.

“What’s your secret?” Sandy asked. Her tone was laced with envy.

As Paula begins to reply with a flippant, “Oh, it’s easy, I just…” Sandy seemed to have tuned out because she anticipated Paula’s answer would be infuriatingly easy or familiar to what she had already tried.

Sandy had tried every diet and had invested in every type of exercise program and weight loss app. She has been on every plan. Sandy had even signed up for a personal trainer, which lasted as long as she tried each diet.

If losing weight was easy, Sandy would have done it long ago. But it hadn’t been easy. And the only thing that had changed was that her mind freaked out even at the thought of a new diet.

This was when Sandy decided that she had had enough of trying to lose weight the way the diet books, apps and programs teach. That is- eating very little food and working out to consume the calories till you either lose all your weight or give up.

Sandy knew well that Paula’s sustained weight loss was in no way a result of anything she had tried herself. The last time they’d met Paula had a good 29 kg to lose, but today she looked straight out of a fitness magazine.

Finally, Sandy decided to push away her envy and hear Paula out. She needed to know what had actually worked so well that Sandy hadn’t regained her lost weight since their last meeting.

As a weight loss coach, I’ve coached both kinds of clients – the chronically losing and gaining the same pounds and those for whom weight loss has come easily. There isn’t a magical secret or formula I can share that will be the blueprint for success.

Instead, there is a series of skills that a successful person masters on the path of losing weight following the Be Healthy Be You system. This system has nothing to do with food, exercise, or having enough ‘willpower’.

Instead, it harnesses the power of common sense, curiosity, compassion, consistency and accepting obstacles, not as failures but as feedback. It has evolved from my experience of being overweight for close to three decades, my struggle with weight regain, and how I finally put the pieces of the weight puzzle together to design my blueprint for long-term health.

But before you decide your course of action, let’s learn about the real issue of why so many people quit their weight loss efforts or stay stuck trying every new fad diet and what could be done to get to the goal weight.

There’s one question that feels worse than any upward trend on the weighing scale.

“Am I ever going to figure this out?”

​If this question fills you with dread, every time you fail a diet, keep reading.

You’ve made so many rules and have plenty of good reasons to follow them.

But eventually, you give in.

​The more you fail, the more defeated you feel.

Half the time, you might not even try to be good.

Why bother?

​There’s too much evidence you can’t change.

And you just can’t handle failing again.

Failure is usually just another reason to feel bad rather than a moment of growth.

It’s why most people are allergic to failure and try to avoid it at all costs.

​They believe it’s okay for others to make mistakes.

They, on the other hand, should know better.

​Here’s the problem: saying no to your urges and excuses is a skill you must learn.

And it’s not going to happen perfectly on the first try.

Like it or not, failure is part of the process.

In case you think, “But I’ve failed too many times; I can’t afford to fail again.”

Here’s what you can’t afford – Believing, “If I don’t fail, I won’t feel bad.”

​You feel bad every time you:

  • Worry about overeating.
  • Wish you were more like someone else.
  • Wonder if people are judging you.

Doing nothing isn’t going to make you happier or leave you better off.

​It does the opposite.

Failing can help you stop making the same mistake, but only if you fail forward.

Failing backwards is the reason why it’s hard to learn your lesson.

​When you fail backwards, you:

  • Interpret mistakes as: “Something is wrong with me.”
  • Accept outdated explanations for why things happen.
  • Insist on using these moments to be harder on yourself.

​When you fail forward, you:

  • Interpret mistakes as: “Something I tried didn’t work.”
  • Challenge outdated explanations for why things happen.
  • Offer yourself the love and compassion you’d show a friend in need.

​Failing forward is a skill you need to practice.

Each time you fail forward, you’ll unlock a hidden piece of the habit.

But learning how to fail forward takes practice.

Repeatedly failing backwards can make anyone wary about trying something new.

It’s normal to worry that this will be yet another thing you tried that didn’t work.

This is why-

Be Healthy Be You Program, (my 1:1 weight loss coaching program for women who are ready to end their struggle with weight, want to make peace with food and feel great in their bodies) the application process comes with a complimentary clarity call to get all your doubts, fears and questions answered before deciding if this program is just what you need to end your weight struggle for life.

Does that mean that in one conversation, you’ll be all set for a transformation?


​But you will take a step forward instead of treading water.

If my program isn’t your jam, I’ll be happy to let you know and guide you in the right direction.

I’d rather you take a step in the right direction than do nothing because you’re afraid of failing or making a wrong commitment.

Even if that means you end up clicking with a different approach.

Because I know first-hand how awful it is to question, “Am I ever going to figure this out?”

I know how demoralizing it is to wonder, “Why can’t I learn my lesson?”

And I know how hard it is to try something new when you’re terrified of failing.

I just wish I had learned about failing forward sooner.

​My goal is to make it easier for anyone who wants to try the Be Healthy Be You System to take action.

That’s why I offer complete details and a Clarity Call with no strings attached.

No hoops to jump through if we together decide that this program isn’t a great fit for you.

Nothing to risk.

Everything to gain.

Your relationship with long-term health, food and the weighing scale changes for good when you learn how to fail forward.

Click here to make a decision that will change your life forever.


If you feel stuck and frustrated in your weight loss journey, this FREE 7-day Email Course will teach you why diets fail, how to change your relationship with food, and what every diet you tried before was missing.

With an accompanying workbook to guide you and hold you accountable at every step.

Take the FREE Weight Loss Ownership Email Course- Tips That  Actually Make A Difference.

I’m a weight loss coach who helps women end their struggle with weight for a lifetime, and this is what works with my 1:1 weight loss coaching clients.

* Names changed to protect identity.