Learn to take what you need

In the darkest moments of life, our soul whispers the truth we are trying hard to ignore in our busyness. Read to know what happened when I stopped to listen to my inner wisdom.

Winter Of My Life

Life has its seasons and profound reasons behind each one of them. Here's what the winter of my life looks like and what are my plans to make the most of it.

Why (and how) I Stopped Taking Things Personally

Do you take things personally? I always have. That's why when I stopped taking things personally, I took a leap in personal growth. I stopped blaming other people for my unhappiness, built a life on self-awareness that's happy, peaceful & mindful.
Read the full article to learn the steps to be in better control of your life & the goodness this approach brings.

Why I Stopped Setting Yearly Goals & Started Living Everyday to the Fullest

Why I Stopped Setting Yearly Goals & Started Living every day to the fullest

The Car Story- Final Part

With the year-end just around the corner, I thought it would be only wise to finish this story that I started in 2017. Please read the previous parts before proceeding. Part1, Part2 and Part3. Now that you have a grasp on what had been my driving force to learn to drive, you're in a good …

Continue reading The Car Story- Final Part