School Diary – VI

I am aware that I am yet to update about Pari's school life in the past 9 months. But there is something major happening right now, that's why I am leaving the part V to be added later in the School Diary series. It's that time of the year when schools issue the admission forms …

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School Diary – IV

You can catch up on all posts on Pari’s school life by visiting the School Diary section of this blog. The cuts on Pari's nose and around eye area weren't too deep, but what had actually triggered my fury was the sheer insensitivity of the school staff towards a child who was mere two and a half …

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School Diary -II

End of first week in school brought along the mandatory flue, every child suffers from on stepping out of the cocoon of home. Luckily, in case of Pari it started on a Friday so she got rest over the weekend and didn't have to miss school. At the onset of Pari's tantrums and absolute reluctance …

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School Diary – I

Pari has recently stepped in one of the most important phases of her life. The one that'll make her, refine her and will also define the path she'll tread on, in life. The school life. Though I have been pretty irregular in recording my life and Pari's milestones but my resolve to freeze all these …

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